Here again, I see where this is going. Big lag time between entries and far too much to blurt out and expect a sane person to read! But I'm going to do it anyway.

We are now nestled into our 2 bedroom apartment as of the middle of November. This is the shot of the kitchen before we really put more items in... but it looks cool so far.
I had to change the colour of the grey wall because it didn't go with the new sofa colour... I ended up with a brown. It looks good with the Orange accent colour on the small wall in the kitchen.
The cottage had been locked up for the winter on New Year's eve day. It was the first time in 5 years that we didn't keep it open for weekend stays. sigh!
Now, the big news is that we're approved to adopt a dog. It's going to take a bit of work but we'll find a way to get him up here. Garin, a volunteer with WIN in the US has been exeptionally good to deal with (she'll read this so I'm sucking up!) and is going to make sure that if at all possible, we'll have Beckett with us sooner than later.

Here he is. He's the lighter coloured Wheaten. I can picture him, once he can be trusted to come when called, running through the fields. For the winter I'm thinking he'd be just fine snuggled between Darrin and myself on the sofa. OMG.. I just realized I'll be going back to poop-n-scoop days. Ok, it can't all be roses!
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