We landed in F'ton at 7pm on Friday evening and got up at 5:30 on Sat morning to head out. The roads on the Canadian side were pure ice. We must have not picked up sand here yet in Canada. The US roads
We did land and Garin was there with Beckett. The boy was beyond nervous and wasn't the happy-go-lucky dog we had hoped would come out to greet us. It was obvious that this guy did not have a good experience with humans and we obviously were not going to be the immediate turning point for his change of mind!
In fact, he was so upset that he had a very large liquid accident all over Garin's back seat of her truck before jumping into the front seat and making it clear that he'd rather I not sit next to him.
I used Garin's insider information to eventually get a hold on his leash... he didn't like her apparently because the "miller" was a female... so I had her go to the opposite window and make herself 'visible'. Yes, I admit it, I used her! LOL
Once we got Beckett outside he was anything but warm and fuzzy. I think it was more growly and evasive. Yeah, that's more the degree of love we got over what we soooo wished we'd find. It didn't stop us though. Not that the thought of saying, "oh, I think I'll wait for the next one" didn't pass through our minds! It did but we took the leap of faith that this was meant to be.
Once we got Beckett outside he was anything but warm and fuzzy. I think it was more growly and evasive. Yeah, that's more the degree of love we got over what we soooo wished we'd find. It didn't stop us though. Not that the thought of saying, "oh, I think I'll wait for the next one" didn't pass through our minds! It did but we took the leap of faith that this was meant to be.
The warm greetings from Beckett aside, we thanked Garin and her friend for being so great as to meet us part way and we got on the road right away.

All the way back we had a boy in the back seat who would have bolted at a moment's notice if he had the chance in spite of the baby talk from both Darrin and myself. He was unmoved and impressed with our limited baby talk vocabulary by the way. He kept growling when we even looked at him.
Along the way we thought we'd stop to let him out to pee after seeing the flood released in Garin's truck! It was at the first stop that we truly began to let the horror of his past seep into our understanding of his experiences. He obviously didn't know what a lead was except for recently and he certainly hadn't been in a vehicle much since he would jump into the front seat after we opened both back doors. Then through a series of 'sliding' moves he oozed down on to the floor under the stearing wheel, then again tried to ooze out on to the extremely cold ground only to repel back into the car when his paws wouldn't touch before he had to release the security of his back paws. This took about 4 tries and a little tug from me to plop him out onto the ground.
He neither used the stops to relieve himself or eat the whole trip back. This boy was in shock and it wasn't about to end because we had suddenly adopted him. This dog was now for us, we have discovered something that we are to make ourselves part of. Talk about your reality check!
He neither used the stops to relieve himself or eat the whole trip back. This boy was in shock and it wasn't about to end because we had suddenly adopted him. This dog was now for us, we have discovered something that we are to make ourselves part of. Talk about your reality check!
I have let Garin know that I was going to post this for anyone who happens to read it, there are a few administrative things you really must know before crossing the borde with a dog.
For people like us, adoption papers with a list of the vet procedures undergone and the one thing I forgot, the bill of sale or adoption fee receipt. Lucky for me I used PayPal and could reproduce it but double lucky, didn't have too when they saw I was going to get it. Thanks guys.. it was appreciated.
While driving along the only sound other than growling, was the most mornful cry that Beckett released during a dream while in the back seat. Both Darrin and I looked at each other and immediately put ourselves in the hell he must be reliving in his mind. It did bring a tear to my eye to allow that reality to transfer into my world.
Darrin and I were toast by the time we got home that night. Since it was late and there was NO room for time to acquaint him sufficiently with the apartment and because I had no idea of the damage he could inflict upon himself through the night, I slept on the sofa with his lead tied to my arm and his blanket next to the sofa. That lead stayed on him for for a spell since he was going to prove to be a handfull. He doesn't DO stairs. We live on the third floor! Lucky for us he freezes solid when you pick him up. He did snap the first time but it was a growl and his put his mouth over Darrin's wrist but didn't bite down. LOL.. yes, I let Darrin pick him up first. 
Through the day on Sunday none of us were the sharpest knives in the drawer as they say, well, Beckett was on top of his game because he had just slept for most of the way back and had a nice night's rest. Darrin and I on the other hand were trying to allow Beckett his "space" while not acting invasive in our movements for the day. There were some turning points when we saw light at the end of the tunnel. Beckett got up on the sofa and allowed Darrin to sit down next to him without running off. This along with the fact that we expect nothing from him except to somehow regain some natural actions that every dog should exibit. I should be careful what we w
ish for. So far, he's chewed two sets of headsets. LOL He's on the road to recovery.
Through the day on Sunday none of us were the sharpest knives in the drawer as they say, well, Beckett was on top of his game because he had just slept for most of the way back and had a nice night's rest. Darrin and I on the other hand were trying to allow Beckett his "space" while not acting invasive in our movements for the day. There were some turning points when we saw light at the end of the tunnel. Beckett got up on the sofa and allowed Darrin to sit down next to him without running off. This along with the fact that we expect nothing from him except to somehow regain some natural actions that every dog should exibit. I should be careful what we w
We went out to a previously booked night with friends and couldn't get out of it. When we returned we had a present "pile" on the floor awaiting us. When we went to clean up Beckett was beside himself when he saw Darrin going with the paper towel. I think there is a history of being hit or seeing dogs near him being hit for making a mess. I don't even want to imagine how bad it had to have been to imprint so deeply that just the sight of a paper towel in someone's hands sends a dog into hiding and growling. He was fine after a spell but we let him have his space and just cleaned up the mess speaking of the night with friends in a nice low tone. Also, no sudden moves are a definite no-no for dogs like him. Space and time seem to be working wonders.
End of day one we discovered that this boy doesn't know the joy of being held lovingly, the comfort of being petted or the kindness of a treat for having done something to please a human.
Day 2 was Work day for both Darrin and myself, there was still the issue of carrying Beckett up and down stairs and he dislikes any situation where he may be cornered but the oddest thing has begun. He loves to go out on his extension lead even at minus 30 degrees (that celcius not farenheight for the US people who may read this :P)
Beckett's name is getting difficult to 'work in' to our vocabulary so I'm using it constantly to remove the name "Breton" which is the name we chose for the SCW puppy on order for next fall. I think we will have to come up with another name. Enough for now. There will be plenty to add as the days role on.
Hi Doug & Darrin!
ReplyDeleteWishing you all the best with Beckett! Beckett was originally going to come live with me, however when his adversion to women was made abundantly clear, that knocked me out of the process! Yep, I am the one who gave him his name. I have worried about this little guy ever since I heard about this rescue and the circumstances surrounding it. I loved reading about your first meeting with Beckett and can see you really want to make a difference in this boy's life!
Keep up the good work with him. If only he could understand how wonderful his life can now be if only he lets go of his dreadful past.
Kenmore, NY
P.S. I adopted a Wheaten from WIN in August - Lucy, who will be 2 in June. She is just the best!