Sunday, March 13, 2011

New tricks for the old dog...

It's Sunday night, Darrin is working on a client's house design, I'm checking out my online email and Beckett is sprawled out over his blanket about a foot or so from me... sound asleep.

Darrin and I have agreed that we're going to start the discipline training for getting Beckett to go outside to use the bathroom. Both of us figure it is time and since he has no problem being hooked on for going out, it's time to create the ability to tell us he needs to go out. Most of the week Beckett was great but on Friday night he pooped and peed in the apartment after having gone out at 12:30 at night with me! It's time to up the training.

This week Beckett and I have been having this 'situation' happening when we came to the corner of the apartment building. He would run ahead, climb up into the plant area and start reverse his body and start pulling on the lead like i was zapping him with a cow-prod. All I managed to do was avoid the corner to try and remove the behaviour. It didn't work because the last time I went out yesterday he did the same thing. I can't have him out of control so both Darrin and I agreed that it's time for his short-lead training time.

There was a bit of a fight to begin with and we can't have anyone walking behind us, but Beckett walks by my side (albeit the right side and not my left)! He is definitely a quick study, when there isn't a fear factor involved. If there is a fear factor, then he's a complete pile of crazy covered with fluffy fur!

Another big week gone by. Beckett spent a day in my office, went most of the week without messing in the house, learned to walk on a short lead, and learned to get his muddy feet cleaned off... after much work at the foot thingie! I scrubbed the stairwell on Thursday night and now it's worse than it has been all winter. Meh... I'll scrub again tomorrow night.

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