It's now the weekend following the Labour Day Weekend. I have to tell you, the short week seemed longer than the regular week.... and I love my job! LOL
Last weekend I jammed as much into the period as possible. It was my so called Line in the Sand, for the summer's objectives. For all the days I said I'd go kayaking, working on projects and just plain old relaxing... I did in 4 days. I swore I'd enjoy local opportunities if it killed me. Well, it didn't kill me. Just the opposite as a matter of fact.
I started my weekend by working from home on the Friday morning just to get a jump on the resting. I'm an odd duck.. no need to point out the obvious. I started by getting the yard work out of the way.
Mowing was first on the list since it really isn't a chore now that I have a ride-on mower.
Last weekend I jammed as much into the period as possible. It was my so called Line in the Sand, for the summer's objectives. For all the days I said I'd go kayaking, working on projects and just plain old relaxing... I did in 4 days. I swore I'd enjoy local opportunities if it killed me. Well, it didn't kill me. Just the opposite as a matter of fact.
I started my weekend by working from home on the Friday morning just to get a jump on the resting. I'm an odd duck.. no need to point out the obvious. I started by getting the yard work out of the way.
Next came the planting of the trees we purchased early in the summer. Yes, you are reading that correctly. We bought trees early in the spring/summer and I still hadn't planted them. I could say it was because I was trying to place them for the optimum effectiveness, but that would be a lie. I lied a lot to a great number of people this summer. Matter of fact, any time someone asked why I had a beautiful Japanese Red Maple sitting in a pot next to the front walk. I'd say "oh, I can't make up my mind where to plant it so I'm just trying it in different locations". I ended up planting it in the last spot because I got tired of moving it around so it wasn't obvious I was just being lazy. I hope it lives at the end of the house. I hope I can find some way to explain the awkward angle it seems to have ended up having when I stomped the dirt in around the tree.

By the way, a word to the wise, don't throw away the tag that goes with the tree. Apparently it has valuable information on where to plant the tree and if that burlap wrap should stay on or come off. I opted for stay on in the hope that the roots would eventually work their way through. If not, I mark it off to Gawd's Will! It had nothing to do with sitting in that pot the whole summer. Besides, what kind of tree survives a whole summer in a pot with less watering than a cacti in the Sahara Desert, only to end up dieing once it's placed in real earth!

That Saturday morning I did do some work on my bridge to finally, once and for all, finish something I started. Well almost. It is technically finished, but I'd like to do more to it. As you can see here, it's a nice traditional bridge. It spans 25 feet across and is a wood clad metal frame to give the impression that it isn't too sturdy. It WAS intentional. I didn't want the local ATV users to think it was their way across the water. In essence, the bridge is made for ME to be able to cross the water, once I can afford an ATV. :P
On Sunday morning my friend Elly came over and we borrowed my partner's dad's 1/2 ton truck and took off with the kayaks down the Bonshaw river. The day was perfect. Elly had never been down this river before it was my first time taking the river out into the larger river area. It took about 2 1/2 hours but it was breathtaking. I'll have to do it again in the fall when the leaves have changed.
The rest of the weekend was spent just enjoying the weather and puttering around. I did PUTTER more in the tree planting activity on Monday. I now have over 30 new young trees planted around the yard. Darrin helped by pointing out that my arrangement wasn't natural enough so he strategically arranged them in 'natural' formats so as to look natural but good. Lucky for me Darrin is able to improve on Mother Nature's trade. Not many could get away with showing up Mother Nature, but he does! LOL
This weekend I have my grandchildren out for the night and tomorrow morning we're off for a breakfast with friends just before we all go out sailing. I'm holding off posting this until I bring back pictures of the day. I hope there are some keepers out of it so they'll have precious memories for a lifetime.
By the way, a word to the wise, don't throw away the tag that goes with the tree. Apparently it has valuable information on where to plant the tree and if that burlap wrap should stay on or come off. I opted for stay on in the hope that the roots would eventually work their way through. If not, I mark it off to Gawd's Will! It had nothing to do with sitting in that pot the whole summer. Besides, what kind of tree survives a whole summer in a pot with less watering than a cacti in the Sahara Desert, only to end up dieing once it's placed in real earth!
That Saturday morning I did do some work on my bridge to finally, once and for all, finish something I started. Well almost. It is technically finished, but I'd like to do more to it. As you can see here, it's a nice traditional bridge. It spans 25 feet across and is a wood clad metal frame to give the impression that it isn't too sturdy. It WAS intentional. I didn't want the local ATV users to think it was their way across the water. In essence, the bridge is made for ME to be able to cross the water, once I can afford an ATV. :P
On Sunday morning my friend Elly came over and we borrowed my partner's dad's 1/2 ton truck and took off with the kayaks down the Bonshaw river. The day was perfect. Elly had never been down this river before it was my first time taking the river out into the larger river area. It took about 2 1/2 hours but it was breathtaking. I'll have to do it again in the fall when the leaves have changed.
The rest of the weekend was spent just enjoying the weather and puttering around. I did PUTTER more in the tree planting activity on Monday. I now have over 30 new young trees planted around the yard. Darrin helped by pointing out that my arrangement wasn't natural enough so he strategically arranged them in 'natural' formats so as to look natural but good. Lucky for me Darrin is able to improve on Mother Nature's trade. Not many could get away with showing up Mother Nature, but he does! LOL
This weekend I have my grandchildren out for the night and tomorrow morning we're off for a breakfast with friends just before we all go out sailing. I'm holding off posting this until I bring back pictures of the day. I hope there are some keepers out of it so they'll have precious memories for a lifetime.
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