Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Keeping sanity in the family...

Until the last of the snowbanks have melted, I've sworn to endure this pre-spring spring by living vicariously through my friends who actually have travelled!

I've tried to keep a nice wide variety of friends who come and go to exotic lands in swing shifts, so to speak. Therefore, I'm always being entertained by someone just returning from someplace I wished I had been. Stay with me on this!

One particular set of friends, Lisa and Mary, went to Mexico, returned to a late season snow storm, then fell into a deep depression. I was the smart one. I stayed home, let them pay for those fantastic pictures, and I was elated to hear of the wonders. See my mind game here?

I have my mind getting a reprieve from the long winter by being told about these wonderful vacations. I, almost a third person here, become elated by the stories as if I, were there. This is almost always a plus! To them, it's a horrible realization that they didn't stay away long enough.

Some would argue that they, the "returned", at least have their tanned bodies to show for the time away and that my body, which has the colour tone of a miner who's never seen the surface, is almost translucent in tone. My rebuttal to that statement is that yes, while they are tanned, it is I who looks normal when I get that cold and look horrible, a tanned person with a cold just looks out of place. Don't you agree?

If you don't agree, keep it to yourself, I'm trying to construct my own sustainable reality here and so far it's working.

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