So many moons have passed.
You know, as with all other things in life, things change. In this case, it was my dedication to this blog. Not many people I know read it often so it doesn't weigh on my mind when things get busy in my life.
This doesn't mean it isn't important to me, it just means I haven't 'booked' time in on this for one reason, or many others. LOL
This last year has been a good year and a busy year. The busy aspect I will take the hit on, the good, well... I'll just thank my lucky stars.
Now, for the update. The winter has come and gone. The fall was beautiful and the launch of my 'crazy busy' time.
I bought out the co-owner of a small 3 apartment complex that I happened to be part of, in October. Thus started the new and improved plans for my winter. We stayed out at the cottage for the winter and aside from the 1/2 hour drive into work, it was beautiful staying there. I had winter wood delivered and we enjoyed many an evening snuggled on the sofa in front of the fire watching TV or on the computer chatting with friends far and wide.
Our winter seemed to be filled with a lot of planning, and working toward winter rather than hybernating. My plans for the apartment house were throughout the winter as was my attempt to save for the construction costs.
We did enjoy the snow and had an Inner tube slide one day at Brookvale with friends. I, unfortunately, had a business trip but Darrin and our fiends had a good day on the hill and then came back to the cottage for hot chocolate and goodies to warm up. Wish I were there but they had a good time without me.
This spring has been a flurry of activty too. I started renovation work on the apartment in Charlottetown on the first of April and just finished on the 9th in time for a sub-let to take it on until we move into town this winter. Now... to focus on the summer and enjoying ourselves and those who visit.
Big news from the last year. I became a grandfather, again. My son and daughter-in-law had a baby girl on Dec 25, 2009 who is called Peyton. I can already see her dad fitting tightly around her baby finger. Mommy too seems to be fitting nicely into baby's plan.
Tomorrow I go to Burlington ON to have what I call a 'working vacation' to build a large patio for my friends' condo. I return to the deed of receiving horses on our property. We are about to become foster parents for two mares who are being rescued from being destroyed. I'll keep them on our property and prepare them for adoption by handling them and getting them used to being touched and directed. All of which will increase their 'adoptability' prospects.

I decided last fall to volunteer again to fill in my winter free time. LOL... that really never took place by the way. In my need to be around horses again I went into volunteering with an organization that rescues horses from being sent to slaughter. It's website is Take a look if you wish. They do very good work.
I've invested a few hundred dollars setting up the property so they can be comfortable while they are here and they've got lots of space to roam around. When I get back from ON I'll be building a shelter before the two of them arrive.
The summer promises to be a good one. Lots of heat is predicted and I'm going to enjoy that. Heat here on PEI is not the same as elsewhere. We always have some cooling time through the day because of the winds over the water coming ashore. Then there is always the endless beaches we can escape to in a very short time. I'm lucky to have a very large and cold stream that runs all year long.
K. that is it for now and I'll try to be better at populating this.