Sailing was a big part of my summer... many summer evenings were spent on the water enjoying the Ch'town Harbour. Once, we went up the Northumberland Straight and now that I had a taste of that, I want to do more of it.

I like the shot to the right. It's taken off the side of the boat as the sun was setting.
Although I spent a lot of the time heading down to the waterfront to sail, I also spent time enjoying the ability to work in the downtown area.
As part of this year's tourism, there was the addition of a bronze statue of Sir John A. MacDonald on the corner of Queen and Richmond, otherwise known as the enterance to Victoria Row. As with many other changes in Ch'town, there was much ado about nothing over the installation. Yes, there were the immature people doing things with the statue for the tasteless tourist photo opp but over all, many people could be seen enjoying the sheer playfullness of the likeness.

As part of this year's tourism, there was the addition of a bronze statue of Sir John A. MacDonald on the corner of Queen and Richmond, otherwise known as the enterance to Victoria Row. As with many other changes in Ch'town, there was much ado about nothing over the installation. Yes, there were the immature people doing things with the statue for the tasteless tourist photo opp but over all, many people could be seen enjoying the sheer playfullness of the likeness.
To the right is the Coles Building at the foot of University Avenue. It sits next to Province house and tends to hide in the old growth trees.
Below to the left is a shop on Victoria Row and is just one of a number of things to see and do in that area. It's a mix of shops, sidewalk Cafes and restaurants. The sidewalk tables stay out into October but then move inside until the late spring.
To the right is the St. Dunstans Bacillica and was undergoing construction to update one of it's
steeples. I would have loved to have been able to go up to the top and take pictures of Charlottetown from that angle... but they seemed to have expected that and cut me off at the pass by locking the gate to the scaffolding. http://www.stdunstans.pe.ca/ was rather interesting because it's such a landmark on the skyline of our rather flat waterfront.

The Main point of my summer wasn't to be sailing or any other activity. My main goal was to enjoy the summer with friends and family here on the island. I did go "off-island" a few times but generally speaking, my summer was completely and thorouglhly enjoyed with friends and family.. and friend's dogs.
This here to the left is my partner, Darrin. He's had a rough summer getting ready for his Architect's exams at the end of October so I had to entertain myself with him only being able to join in now and then. Don't get me wrong, he was very good about not making me feel guilty for enjoying my summer without him by my side. I on the other hand, did try to contain myself when I had an utterly fantastic experience. I'll make it up to him.
This is Isabelle and Theresa, the grandchildren. Any time I was able to bring them out to the cottage... I did. There was always the hour of bickering while the rules of conduct while at Grampie Doug's but after that it was fairly much fun and games.
The patio, when the weather allowed it, was a great escape to the outside but without the hoards of bugs to bother you. Thanks again Darrin for the screened porch.

I included this photo of when we had the hammock swings in place prior to getting the patio set. They always will be the quintensential indicators of summer and everything carefree and timeless for children. I can't go back, but I can visit any time I like.

I'm a sucker for walks in the woods a field of wind blown wheat, and fantastic sunsets. What can I say, there is no cure for that.

Now here we have a very good story. This is TammyFaye. She is one of the raccoons we fed through the winter or rather the early spring and through to now. Darrin and I sort of think of her as "ours" and even when faced with moving into town we were thinking of ways to continue feeding her since we got her hooked on cat food and peanuts in the shells. Sometimes WE forget that she isn't a dog.... don't we Darrin!

To the left is a wharf shot of Victoria and about 5 minutes away from our place. Darrin and I had the kayaks out in that area this summer for the afternoon. It's great to drift along and snooze in the kayak. It's like a big cradle.
I included this photo of when we had the hammock swings in place prior to getting the patio set. They always will be the quintensential indicators of summer and everything carefree and timeless for children. I can't go back, but I can visit any time I like.
There is one amazing thing that happened this summer, I reconnected with
my cousins in St. John NB. I hadn't really been in touch with them since moving to PEI some 30 years ago. It wasn't a delay because we didn't get along... stuff just happened along the way that needed tending I guess. Anyway, through Facebook and a series of threads, I got in touch with one, then another and before you knew it, I was over in St. John having supper with them as if it were only a month ago that we had last seen each other. From the left, cuz Bonnie, Aunt Marg (mom's sister), Cus Andrea and myself. I hope to be seening more of them now that I have some ability to define what I want to do in my spare time.

As you may or may not have figured out by now, I truly enjoy my life and the good things in it. Family is first and without Darrin, the kids, and the grandchildren, along with my other close family, not much would matter a whole lot. Since I do have the good fortune of family I thought I'd take the time to let them know how much they matter to me.
The rest of these pictures I like for one reason or another and I'll add a little blurb to tell you why along the way.
I'm a sucker for walks in the woods a field of wind blown wheat, and fantastic sunsets. What can I say, there is no cure for that.

Now here we have a very good story. This is TammyFaye. She is one of the raccoons we fed through the winter or rather the early spring and through to now. Darrin and I sort of think of her as "ours" and even when faced with moving into town we were thinking of ways to continue feeding her since we got her hooked on cat food and peanuts in the shells. Sometimes WE forget that she isn't a dog.... don't we Darrin!
To the right is my attempt at growing giant pumpkins. You know what... I did. What I did not think about is ... what the hell do you do with 6 giant pumpkins in the fall? I have one destined for carving but in all reality you just don't have a NEED for giant pumpkins. I can't wait until next summer and try again to grow bigger ones. Darrin's dad and I know we can grow bigger ones than these. I think I see where this is heading.

This on the right is my bridge. It has taken me two years but it is complete. I can now start the work on the water wheel to generate power for the cottage to keep it warm for the winter. It's also going to power the lights I have under the water in the stream. It's beautiful in the evenings down there summer or winter when the lights are on.
There are many many other shots I could be adding to this page but for now, this will be it.