For all who are reading this entry, then you have somehow stumbled across my blog while searching gay travel or PEI. Either way, welcome to my own little world.
If you have any questions about PEI or possible vacation highlights, just leave a note and I'll do my best to provide an answer, or I'll find someone who can.
It's time I honestly started to promote what it is I love about PEI. It isn't just the fact that we are indeed overly friendly, and yes, Gay-Friendly destination. Nor is it just that we love to meet friends , or make new friends while sitting at one of the great sidewalk Cafes on Victoria Row. It is that, for the most part, we are an important part of PEI's fabric of life. We just need to get our act together and somehow find a way to reach out to everyone!
As Islanders (Yeah.. I know I'm still from AWAY since I wasn't born here) we can also enjoy the same things that the tourists enjoy. By that I mean that events and activities are affordable and available to everyone.
As a result, I tend to put together itineraries for our many Island house guests each summer. When possible, I will actually tag along. If you've ever tried to take in all of the Islands theatre productions during the summer you'll know what I mean when I say, you just don't have enough time to do everything. That's where we Islanders are great people to know. If you don't know any when you arrive, you will soon after landing. There is no way to avoid it. Don't feel shy about stopping people and asking questions, we love to chat and show off our Island.
The ARC website
http://arcofpei.com/ is a great way to find out where and when a Gay related activity is taking place, and the regular Island Tourist Information site is great for all general activities you may want to take in. It's links are posted to the side of this blog page.
We now have an active group of interested people who have taken it upon themselves to start the daunting task of somehow advertising to the GLBT tourist market. My thanks goes out to them because we are lagging behind in this area and everyone needs to jump on that bandwagon or at least support it.
That is enough for now but as I said, if you're a tourist and want to leave a comment, please do. If you're an Islander and want to offer an opinion or suggestion, by all means. Fill your boots as they say!